Friday 24 June 2011

Entry 2

Ok, so far we have covered the basics but that doesn't even scratch the surface. This entry i'll explain how i had to make a tough choice to stop myself from spiraling into a deep depression.

Don't be mistaken, my story is not all bad. I don't nor have i ever tried to put myself across as the best mum, nor for that matter, the best person. So, in some respects, this is my way of saying fuck you to those who never understood me, and put my truth out there, even if at the end of all this there is no outcome other than self satisfaction.

My house gets messy, my children go to bed late some nights, and some days i find myself in tears because i feel like i just can't go on, mainly after a long day of temper tantrums and a lack of sleep. I'm guessing this is the case for a lot of mums though.

One of the main things in life that gets me is how, just because i was young having my children, i must be a bad mum. When as we all know, this isn't always the case. Despite age or situation, we all have a choice, to be the best we can or not. This isn't just about motherhood, this stretches to every aspect of life.

A family friend once told me 'life if what we make it', that has stuck with me because every single day i try to make mine and my children's life a great one, from the smallest choices to the biggest decisions.  

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