Wednesday 22 June 2011

Hey!!! I'm Amy, I'm 21 years old. Currently live in Swansea with my amazing other half and my two children, Keiron aged 4 and Sagen aged 1.
I discovered i was pregnant at 16 after my mum bought me a pregnancy test after i missed a period. My god was i shocked at the result. Tears streamed down my face. "Oh my god! What am i going to do?" i thought to myself. After a few moments of calming myself down i quietly called my little sister, Emily, into my bedroom and showed her the result. Expecting her to give me a lecture, she started prancing round with a huge smile on her face.

Telling my mum was the worst part. She had always been open and honest about relationships and sex and using protection etc, so i felt like a disappointment. 

"Mum, can i talk to you a sec" i stood in her bedroom doorway. She looked at me, realized something was wrong and headed straight for my bedroom. My mind went empty. I pulled out the pregnancy test and showed it to her. Probably not the best way to do it, but oh well. Her face dropped, no words came out of her mouth, she turned and headed back her bedroom, slamming my door on the way. "Well that went well."
After leaving her to calm down and of course tell my dad, they both were sitting at the table, so i joined them, bracing myself for raised voices, my dad started giving me the sex talk.....My mum interrupted to tell him its a bit late for that. They continued to tell them what i want to do next is completely my choice and either way they will support me as much as possible. I love my parent!

so, here i was, 16, pregnant and still in school. I could say that my friends supported me through it but i would be lying...Truth of the matter is i was ridiculed, looked over and at one point pushed down the stairs. Yeah that's right, pushed down the stairs while i was six months pregnant.I wasn't exactly schools biggest fan but being the only pregnant girl in my school made it unbearable, needless to say i left with very little gcse's.  Kids can be cruel and teenagers can be even worse. Luckily i had the support of my family and my boyfriend at the time. For arguments sake we will call him P.

Even though only 18, P stuck with me throughout it all, he came to all the scans, the birth and moved into my mums house with us so he could spend as much time with us as possible. I'ts also probably important to add that he worked in a dead end job to support us.

I think i've pretty much covered everything up until the birth, so here goes....
I woke up in the middle of the night to find myself soaking wet, guessed it, my waters had broke! What followed next can only be described as a mad dash to the hospital, me eating jaffa cakes in between contractions and excruciating pain. When they tell you about the 'burning ring of fire' they aren't kidding!

What came next was amazing and terrifying at the same time, the midwife handed me my beautiful baby boy and in that moment i realized that not only did i have to look after him but that i really wanted to. That's a lot of responsibility.

Although P was there all the way through his family wasn't. They saw me as some slag who was trying to trap their son, to this day they don't see my kids because his mum showed no interest in her only grandson and consistently called him a mistake. While he was not planned, he is far from a mistake.

P's dad was keen to meet his only grandson and for a while supported us behind his wife's back. Until my son became a bargaining tool, he offered us money to let his wife (the one who has no interest) see Keiron. It wasn't something i felt comfortable with. After a straight answer of NO from me and P, my dad started to receive texts with the numbers 666 and prank phone calls from P's mum. This wasn't what i wanted for my son to grow into. P cut off all communication with his parents (this was his choice).

So here i was, living in my mums house with my beautiful son and loving boyfriend. I was living the family dream. Then reality set in when i realized we had to get our own place. I didn't want to leave my parents house and basically become an adult. Luckily we found a house, 10 doors down, on the same street as my parents.

I woke up for the first time in my new house and suddenly felt grown up. It was unbelievably scary!
Having a baby doesn't give you much time to ponder over what could have been.
Learning to live in a different house to my parents and having to do things for myself was hard. I found it hard to keep up with everything that needed doing. It's odd when the choice between making bottles and doing dishes answers itself and the reality doesn't creep up until there are no clean cups and a big pile of washing are sitting in front of you.

As time went on, things got better, things got easier and life became manageable again. So when Keiron turned 3, we decided to try for another baby. I got pregnant straight away, but sadly it wasn't meant to be and i had a miscarriage. After that i was put off the idea of trying to get pregnant again. As time went on i got pregnant by accident yet again. Although terrified and overwhelmed we were ready to accept and embrace the responsibility.

So, i was pregnant again, with Keiron in nursery half the day, i thought another baby would be easy.....How wrong was i?  P lost his job and was forced to take a job working nights, money got very tight and time seemed to go so slow. He worked all night and slept all day. I felt like a single parent with a room mate that shared my bed.

Pregnancy was easier this time, i felt like a mum now. And for the first time in my life i felt i could do it all on my own. As my bump grew, so did my sense of self worth.

This time i could have a home birth and little Sagen Jayne was born on my living room floor with my mum, little sister and P all there to support me, while my dad took Keiron out for a few hours. Sagen's birth was uneventful but the rush of love was the same.

Keiron came home from a fun day out with his bampi to a new baby sister who he was to scared to touch, but as time went on and they both grew older, they gradually started playing with each other.

My life felt complete.....well almost.....


  1. I went thru a similar thing when I got pregnant... Except I was 22. I was still living at home and I wasn't married to the father, so I kept it a secret until I was past the "miscarriage point" at three months along and we decided to take my parents out to dinner and explain to them we had a plan. (Get married, and start this family right.) But, one day my mother went into my room and snooped and found my prenatal vitamins. She instantly figured it out and waited for me to come home. When I walked in the door she asked without even looking at me, if I was pregnant. I said yes and she replied with (long story short) how I was a whore and she wanted nothing to do with me OR the baby. I was heartbroken. I didn't have my own mother on my side. My father on the other hand I told later that afternoon and he cried and said we'd work thru this and everything would be fine. Two months later my mother was prancing around the world calling herself "grandma" and buying baby clothes for me. *sigh* Yeah... thats my life :) Being a mom is an extremely tough job, and, being so young, I applaud you for sticking thru it and becoming a very good mom! Your babies are beautiful! My son Miles is now 3 and I am pregnant with my second. (and NOW my family is ecstatic) Continue your wonderful mommy-ness and make the most of what you've been given. You seem like a wonderful mother, and life WILL be difficult most of the time, but those babies are more important than any stress or difficulty that could ever reach you in the world.

  2. thankyou so much for reading and commenting on my blog. i will try to update as often as possible. Good luck on your pregnancy and all the best to you, your other half and son :) x


my babies

my babies